Are you an executive, manager, or individual who needs to lead and influence peers and others? How do you drive excellence, focus, and productivity in times of uncertainty, or provide clarity when the uncertainty is overwhelming? Join us for an interactive discussion with Shelley McGrail, Principal Consultant and Global Human Resources Executive.
in cooperation with FACC Chicago
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
Free for FACC members
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Are you an executive, manager, or individual who needs to lead and influence peers and others? How do you drive excellence, focus, and productivity in times of uncertainty? By taking stock of your own emotions and inspiring and motivating the people you lead with authenticity and clarity. How do you provide clarity when the uncertainty is overwhelming? Join us for an interactive discussion with Shelley McGrail, Principal Consultant and Global Human Resources Executive, who will share some practical tips on how to lead and create focus and productivity during times of uncertainty.
Event ended.